What makes Fast Solution qualified to provide marketing solutions?

We have been providing marketing solutions for many years and have also helped develop software and systems for improving sales processes including electronic follow up. Just the fact of being able to save you time and speed up your current methods will give you immediate results.

What do you have that other marketing companies don’t provide?

We combine years of proven experience with top level sales people with methods and automation that are simple and easy to use. Most sales professionals know the formula for success of selling their product and or service but need a more efficient method of making it better, faster and more productive while having an accountability factor that is easy to adhere to. In short, this is what we provide—a complete solution.

I don’t have a marketing budget, what can you do for me?

Any Company that cannot put together a marketing budget to quantitatively increase sales quickly has greater problems to deal with such as facing bankruptcy. Our focus is not as a turn around expert for broke companies or ones that have a flawed and unproven sales model. Our expertise is geared toward companies that are already successful but want to grow using proven techniques and products that have a market demand.

I am already doing well on my own, why do I need you?

Most sales professionals know what to do but rarely adhere to what is really required to optimize productivity and enjoy a separation between work and family. Increasing your productivity with a planned program based on your current success processes is what we do. It may sound simple, and to some degree it is—but it requires a combination of different problem solving skills as well as automated assistance.

Your offer sounds intriguing, but the timing is not right for me now, can we start it later?

If you are in business and are making sales you need us and our solution all the more. We have worked with organizations that are at peak sales performance but are about to hit a brick wall because of recruiters taking their top people and the risk of burning out those that are the most productive. If not to increase your sales, save your people and create employee loyalty by affording them the same productivity in less time to improve their quality of life. Hard to put a price on this.

My company is unique so how can I know this will work for me?

Assuming you have a proven sales process our system will invariably work and we guarantee it. Each of our clients in unique and requires a custom solution that we craft together. As long as you follow the agreed upon process, success is virtually inevitable.

Is there a guarantee?

We guarantee our work. If you follow the program it will definitely work because it is merely building on your proven success and making it faster and more productive in a shorter time period. We are so confident that if within the first 90 days that your pipeline has not measurably increased to agreed upon numbers with you adhering to the process we will let you out of your one year obligation and you can keep and use all the proprietary custom solutions we provided for you.

Are you going to be in, or working from my facility?

Part of the beauty of our unique program is that we all can work remotely. This means that your sales people can work from your office or their home or anywhere else in the US. We even can work with overseas businesses that wish to implement our system depending on location access. This means a quick start and less hassles for all involved.

I work with such-n-such “guru/s”, how are you different?
You can work with any guru or sales motivational people that you wish. Our job is to identify and take what works and make it faster, more efficient and better through proven process and automation that a six year old could follow. Very simple and cost effective.

I’m a pretty creative marketing guy myself, why do you believe you can produce better marketing than what I am already producing own?

We take your proven marketing and sales wizardry and make it more expeditious and efficient and give you ways to stay on track and monitor your performance. In many cases we give sales professionals their family lives back. No one else can boast this.

What makes your services different than other services?

The market for what we do is fragmented at best. We have combined the best and simplest of automation and process, specifically designed around your proven model to deliver a more efficient method—better than anyone else known. We guarantee it and you will experience the results in short order.

Why is your start-up fee so nominal as compared to other marketing programs?

We dispense with on site installations and complicated training. We use the same system that we market to make our sales and we get results. Because we can accommodate many sales professionals to use our system, your success becomes our long term success.

How do I know that working with Fast Solutions will be good for my Company?

Once you send us your deposit to get started you will learn the secrets of what we do and say “why didn’t I think of that.” Part of it is common sense and that is why we will get your immediate buy in. Part of what we do combines sophisticated automation behind the scenes with simple and easy to use set up and access. Within 90 days and from the moment you start with us you will see why things move more quickly and efficiently and you will continue to get better results.

Three Steps to Success: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | FAQ's