What is it and how does it work? Our Super Sales Solution system (SSS) allows individual sales professionals or sales departments to have the productivity of an 80-hour week in 40 hours for a fraction of the cost of a new hire. What’s more it eliminates additional training costs associated with more sales personnel that can significantly reduce your fractional overhead.

We are the first and only Company to offer a comprehensive solution to dramatically increase productivity without having to hire additional people. We use a combination of proven sales methods as defined by you and integrate them with advancements in technology that allow enhanced performance to be the inevitable outcome.

No more piece meal CRM’s and scattered “to do” lists. Our system increases sales and referrals as well as enhances maximum business capacity with established relationships. More contacts, more leads, more sales, more productivity, more compliance, more follow up via our electronic labor force (elf) and reduced costs associated with each sale. This means more bottom line and less employee considerations.

As a by-product of our complete solution, management may track and monitor actual sales pipeline performance based on pre-defined parameters and processes. This provides and effective means to correct sales pipeline problems on an individualized or group basis before they impact bottom line productivity. Management reports are crafted to identify the exceptions to the rule as opposed to those that are within targeted performance.

Everyone needs structure and accountability for maximum performance. Even top shelf self employed sales professionals need a method for adhering to a proven sales process and to have a balance between their home life and business needs. The combination of process management and system integration using our proprietary technology is very simple—even for the most technically challenged individuals. We work with management or sole proprietors at every level of sales sophistication and custom craft a complete solution around your specific needs. The result is a very fast integration curve with minimal training and learning time or effort for your sales representatives.

There is no other solution available in the market place that combines all of these crucial elements in such a productive and seamless fashion. Unlike CRM’s that can be complicated and only as good as accessing them, our solution provides a custom program based on your pipeline criteria that essentially forces compliance as well as enhances productivity by at least 2-3x. Sales management focus becomes less reliant on new hires and more reliant on better productivity from within while providing more quality time for sales professionals to spend with their families. Retaining good sales people is every bit as important as recruiting new ones and our system is designed to help with both.

As opposed to having a full time coach following sales professionals around and advising them to adhere to what they already know that needs to be done, our program acts as both coach and integrator of systems such that speed can be greatly enhanced. Productivity is thus improved and profits rise without burning out your top producers or causing them to have stress induced health concerns.

FAST Solutions is the first and only provider of such a system that will insure the results that you desire based on your proven business model.

Summary of Immediate Benefits:

· Increase sales productivity
· Increase referrals
· Increase amount of new leads
· Reduce the need for additional Sales Staff
· Increase Sales Employee Satisfaction
· Identify Sales Pipeline Break Down Before it Affects Productivity
· Simplistic Tracking and Monitoring of all Exceptions to Process
· Decrease Sales Employee Stress
· Increase Sales Employee Retention and Satisfaction
· Advance Mediocre Sales Professionals to Top Producers
· Reduce Compliance and Liability Concerns Associated with Sales
· Automate Collateral Material Follow up as Part of Each Contact
· Provide Automated Invitations Calls for Business Functions
· Provide Blind and Automated Satisfaction Surveys for Employees
· Reduce Fractional Budget for Each Closed Sale
· Increase Internal Sales with Established Customers

Assuming you relate to each of these productivity markers and have a budget to increase your sales immediately by actually reducing fractional sales costs within just a few short months, please call us to discuss implementation with your organization. For more detailed information, please click on any of the tabs listed below:

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